Eating right food is said to be an important step to boost our Quality of Life. The right nutrients which we consume boost our immune system, it adds strength, help to cut tiredness and help resist the onslaught of infections.
Fast food eating habits made us lazy and started to destroy our physical health as well as mental health. And thus made a heavy reduction in the Quality of Life that is the degree to which an individual is healthy, and able to enjoy life events. The reduced availability of fresh fruits and vegetables and other dairy products further contributed to unhealthy eating of fast foods. Stress too played an important role in the reduction of QoL.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has advised people to stay healthy and physically active even when they stuck at home and to maintain their immune system properly at an optimum level.
WHO recommended adequate physical activity about 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the at least and along with muscle-strengthening activities at least twice a week.
Over consumption of food leads to obesity that can lead to fatigue. Similarly, under nutrition can lead to nutritional deficiencies and loss of weight. Both over and under nutrition affects our physical health and lead to lower energy and stamina.

5 important Nutrients for a healthy body
Carbohydrates are one of the three main nutrients and it is said to be the main source of energy for our body’s cells, tissues and organs. U.S Department of Agriculture, Dietary Guidelines states that 45 to 65 percent of your daily calories should come from carbohydrates.
Fats main function is it provides backup energy. “Your body uses fats for energy when carbohydrates are not available,” says Patton. Fats can be in both liquid and solid forms. It maintains body structures for regulating our metabolism.
Vitamins and minerals:
They are involved in the body’s metabolic processes and they’re essential for normal body growth to maintain optimal health, also helps in release of energy. “You need vitamins and minerals for numerous physiological functions that help you survive,” says Patton. Deficiency in Vitamins and minerals can cause tiredness and fatigue.
Protein is needed for regeneration of all our body cells, and organs – right from hair to toe. It consists of Amino acids that serve as the body’s main building blocks for muscles, skin, hair, and bone. Adequate amount of protein is important to avoid body weakness, fatigue and to prevent metabolic syndrome. It also prevents from impairing of muscle functions, and risk of infection diseases.
As per Indian Council for Medical Research’s Recommended Dietary Allowance, 0.8-1gm protein/kg body weight per day is the requirement of a normal person. People like Growing teenagers, athletes, fitness enthusiasts, pregnant and lactating women and those who are recovering from injuries need more Protein.
Water’s main function is it enables vital bodily functions. It is said that one can live for weeks without eating food but can only live for days without water. That’s because water is the one of the most essential nutrients. It distributes essential nutrients to the cells. About 20 percent of water intake can come from foods and the remaining 80 percent should come from drinking water that is about 12 cups per day for men and 8.8 cups of water for women.
If restriction is made for going outside, one can sort for yoga, aerobics, and eat healthy homemade food at home.